Together is Better

We say “together is better” and this is about more than just attending a service on the weekend. One of the best ways we do life together is through Community Groups. It doesn’t matter if you’re questioning Christianity, new to faith, or have been following Jesus for years. It doesn’t matter what neighbourhood you’re from or which Northview campus you regularly attend. We want to help you find a “good fit” for where you’re at in life.

Many groups meet regularly from September to June and typically meet in homes to share food, discuss how the Bible impacts life, and pray with/for one another.

Join a Group


Every Community Group contributes to helping you become a deeply rooted follower of Jesus in a community based context. We develop trusted leaders for each group who meet at least twice a month with, at minimum, 5 other people.


Every Community Group contributes to helping you become a deeply rooted follower of Jesus by using Biblically based content. We ensure that each group facilitates spiritual conversations and uses material that has been developed by our team or others we trust.


Every Community Group contributes to helping you become a deeply rooted follower of Jesus by making culturally relevant applications. We prioritize prayerfully taking practical steps for the good news of Jesus to shape our lives and the lives of any and every person we know.

Lead a group

Every Community Group has leaders who are humble teachers, with sound orthodox doctrine, and who are committed disciple makers. The more leaders we have the more space we can create for more people to gather, grow, and go. You can explore starting a group or joining our team of leaders by emailing us through the link below.

Host a group

Got a space or home that could allow 6 to 14 people to gather? Every group has a leader, but many leaders are not the hosts of their Community Group. You can help start a new group by hosting one.

Questions? Contact us at