Giving Options
Northview Community Church now supports credit card giving – online or on the weekends. We are using the online donation platform “” Click the blue button above to give now.
Northview is charged a small fee when donations are made online with a credit card, please consider checking the box “cover fees” to help keep our expenses low. The entire amount including the fees you opted to cover will be on your tax receipt.
You can give by texting “GIVE” to: 844-491-0740. You will receive a text back to set up an account. Once that is complete you will be able to give a one-time donation or set up a recurring tithe.
Reception is open on Wednesday and Thursday from 9am to 4pm and Friday from 9am to 12pm to receive cash or cheque donations.
Reception is open on Wednesday and Thursday from 9am to 4pm and Friday from 9am to 12pm to receive cash or cheque donations. You only need to fill out an offering envelope if you would like your cheque split to other funds in the church (e.g. Care fund). Please make cheques payable to Northview Community Church.
To have funds withdrawn directly from your bank account each month, pick up a pre-authorized giving form from any of the info booths or DOWNLOAD HERE.
We accept e-transfers from your banking institution. Send to and it will be auto deposited.
Gifts of stock in publicly traded companies carry significant tax advantages. If you would like to discuss this option, please email for more information.
Debit / Credit terminals are found at the Info Booth during weekend services. Follow the instructions by the machine. Be sure to fill out an offering envelope and include your debit / credit receipt to receive a tax receipt.
Frequently Asked Questions
It is best to download the app and sign up for an account through your phone.
Please contact Chrissy at Northview at 604-853-2931. She will go through the admin site and set you up as a recurring donor. Please have your credit card handy.
Absolutely! allows you set up credit card recurring giving on whichever day you choose! An account with needs to be set up first.
You will be able to donate to more than one fund once you have signed up for an account with
Yes, a receipt or confirmation of your donation will be emailed to you as soon as you donate using This is simply so you can see the details of your transaction and that the transaction was successful. It is not an official tax receipt for income tax purposes. However, all donations made through will be included on your official tax receipt for income tax purposes from Northview.
You can view your giving history with donations made using once you sign up for an account and navigate to recent giving.
Northview continues to use Planning Center (PCO) as the program to record all donations made to Northview (all campuses). So only your donations made using will show in your account. You can view your entire giving history with a PCO account.
If you are sure you should have a Planning Center account and are unable to sign in, please contact us so we can make sure we have the correct information in our system for you! 604-853-2931 or
At this point, the finance department felt it was simpler to use a completely new platform for online giving that will allow us to expand our online donation abilities as needed. Planning Center is somewhat limited.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019 is the LAST day for donations to be receipted in the 2019 year. The office will be open limited hours to accept your donations. As per Canada Revenue Agency, any donations received on Wednesday, Jan 1, 2020 or later will be receipted in 2020 regardless of the date on the cheque.
Usually tax receipts are ready by mid February, sometimes earlier.
If you have an email in Planning Center (our donation recording software), and have donated to any Northview campus in 2019, you will receive an email with a link to download your tax receipt from Northview. If you do not have an email in our system, a hard copy will be available at your campus or at the office. This tax receipt will include any donations made to Northview by debit card, credit card,, e-transfer, automatic withdrawal, cash or cheque.
Please make sure your e-mail address is up to date in our system to ensure you will receive your tax receipt.
If you have any giving questions please feel free to contact us at
What is the Biblical Teaching on Giving?
Every Christian needs to understand how significant it is to be a steward of the resources God has entrusted them with. Paul writes a simple faith instruction to the early believers: “On every Lord’s day, each of you should put aside some amount of money in relation to what you have earned and save it for this offering.” (1 Corinthians 16:2 NLT).
The office at Northview Mission is open on Wednesday and Thursday from 9am to 3pm to receive cash or cheque donations.